Merging mindfulness with a busy corporate “9-5”: online chronicles of a hybrid lawyer-yoga teacher

We hold the power to colour our lives however we want—through our work, artistic expression, the food we make, and our hobbies and interests. Each of us is amazingly multifaceted and each unique part of us deserves time and energy

This online space is a collection of resources that help me slow down and
find balance in my generally fast-paced day-to-day: yoga, mindfulness, cooking, and more

I share them with you, in hopes that they bring you balance too



Here you’ll find some of my own creations and renditions of existing recipes that I love (vegan/vegetarian)


Book a class with me!


Click here for journal entries, my interpretation on yoga philosophy, and actionable ways to help you incorporate mindfulness into your everyday lives

Practice with me on your own time